ASA's Composers
- The Star Thrower
- The Great Dinosaur Rescue
- Thomas Cole: A Vision
- Don Quixote’s Children: Homage to Cervantes

The Great Dinosaur Rescue
In the Spring of 1991, ASA became the first grant recipient of Florida's Broward County Student Enrichment Trust Fund. The Grant supported a two-week run of The Great Dinosaur Rescue and the show drew rave reviews from students, teachers and the media.
An original creation of ASA composers Cimino, Albagli and Klibonoff, The Great Dinosaur Rescure was commissioned in 1989 by the Kennedy Center and New York State's Imagination Celebration. Starring a life-size Dinosaur Maiasaura and ASA's Leading Lady, Dianne Legro as Geralyn, the 56-minute musical fairytale is packed with memorable songs, soaring orchestrations, dream-like sequences, fabulous projections or far-away galaxies, dinosaurs and endangered species. Comprehensive educational materials gave teachers and students a wealth of preparatory options and helped to make really great entertainment genuinely terrific education.
Superb performing arts, setting a new standard of excellence for children's theatre.”
The Star Thrower
A musical dramatization of the Essay by Loren Eiseley.
In the summer of 1992, Associated Solo Artists was commissioned by the Center for Creative Leadership in North Carolina to compose an opera based on the noted essay by award-winning author Loren Eiseley, known “The Star Thrower”. The opera, composed jointly by ASA composers John Cimino, Jon Klibonoff and Richard Albagli served ultimately as the keynote to The International Creativity and Innovation Networking Conference, a gathering of the world’s leading experts on creativity.
Among the best known essays of celebrated naturalist, Loren Eiseley, THE STAR THROWER stands as a profound and beautiful expression of the human spirit.
A solitary figure encountered at dawn on the wave-beaten shores of Costabel, the star thrower reaches into the boiling surf rescuing stranded starfish from certain death. With sure and graceful motion he hurls the living stars back into the sea. Unknown to the thrower, he stands in the arc of a flawless rainbow, a mythic figure of compassion as well as creativity, a hurler of suns, a sower of life among the galaxies.
He is not alone any longer. Call me another thrower. After us, there will be others.”