This division of our company has been at the core of our mission since the very beginning back in 1972. This is where it is our privilege to work with children grades K through 12 in their schools in partnership with their teachers and school leaders. This is where we learned most everything we know about learning and imagination. The children have been our teachers and our inspiration. They have been our task masters too and our greatest source of joy. Most everything else ASA is or does has its origins here.
Now in our 44th year, our programs, ongoing research and educational innovations are layered upon this most telling of foundations. It is here that the truth is revealed. It is here that our hearts and our values have been formed. This is the place where light and joy are the gift passed back and forth from the children to us and from us back to them. The giving and the sharing make us who we are.
Our brilliant and dedicated teaching and performing artists work in teams of three to five visiting schools for residencies ranging from a few days to an entire semester. Partnerships with teachers and school administrators guide the focus and planning of all of our offerings. Funding sources supporting our educational work have sponsored literally thousands of programs in underserved and disadvantaged communities.
The Learning Arts provides:
Full-spectrum arts based learning for students and teachers, grades K-12
Interactive concerts, workshops and customized learning experiences that support and enrich core learning and personal growth
Interdisciplinary programs innovatively linking the arts and music with science, math, reading, environmental studies, language skills, history and social studies.